Yours truly shearing one of the Ouessant girls . Now I don't get any marks for technique but shearing your sheep is important and necessary. Lambs don't need to be trimmed in their first year but come the begining of the second year May June is a good time although I have been known to start in April you should arrange for them to be sheared or look at doing them yourself not as hard as it sounds but beware if you didn't have a bad back to start with it won't be long...............
Here I am actually using an old pair of dog clippers oster A5 's to be exact and I have a number 15 blade on although a 10 would do just as nicely. Its a good time to do a routine maintenance check so as well as checking teeth and ears and getting a good look at whats going on under the fleece, you will be able to do their feet and worm if its in part of your programme.
I keep the fleece for hand spinners, so like to do a tidy job not to mention I get a certain amount of satisfaction out of it. Getting a shearer in needn't be expensive depending on the number of sheep you have but if you have just a couple you may need to take them to a friend and get a decent number done to make the cost of shearing economical.
Here is the finshed article.