dimanche 15 avril 2007
Breed Standard CTD
poor pasterns, bad hooves, legs overdeveloped
Rams, horns asymmetrical, too delicate, too tight or too open, abscence of horns.
Pie coloured
Tail too long
Ears too large
Prominant bridge in the ewe or over developed in the ram
Prescence of toggles at the throat
Admissable in young subjects, blacks lightly marked with white on the forehead, whites with rust on the neck tail or feet, these marks diminish with age.REMARKSThere appears (rarely) in some ewes, tiny horns, without any bony plate, if they are observed they cannot be considered a fault.
Outside the breed standard, it needs to be noted single births are a characteristic of the breed, twin births are rare and not sought after.
Fleece- furnishing the forehead, and the cheeks partly. Covering all the body, descending at least to the knees and just to the hocks.
COLOURBlack, brown, chestnut, white, the pigmentation must be even throughout all the fleece.
Fleece semi closed, and quite compact, locks (staple) of 8 - 10 cms for 12 months growth.
Prescence of hairs and medullated fibres at the throat - cravat (accentuated in rams) nape and britches. The hairs are similar to the rest of the fleece although, they may be a little darker.
AVERAGE THICKNESS medium 27 to 28 microns
QUALITY very soft wool to the touch, very springy
AVERAGE WEIGHT OF THE FLEECE Rams 4.5% of live weight Ewes 4%of live weight.
CAUSES OF DISQUALIFICATION Fleece outside the standard, colour uneven, marks in the fleece, fleece thin, matted , lacking texture, density, staple length.
The Breed Standard

With thanks to GEMO a copy of the breed standard in English (my translation, so it may not reflect the exact content of the french text)
Link to original french text Breed Standard FR
"Standard proposed by the General Assembly of the group of breeders of Ouessants ( GEMO) 5th December 1981, modified by the General Assembly 16th November 1991 and 29th october 2005.
Fine and regular, the rams are horned, the bridge of the nose and forehead should form a continuous line. A very slight bridge to the nose in the ram
Eyes Bright and lively look, prominant orbit to the eye.
Ears fine, small, short, mobile and have a tendancy to be carried pricked.
Horns dark for the blacks and browns, light for the whites, triangular in section, strong, curled in a single spiral, of large amplitude, a good distance from the head.
rounded , without any dewlap, cravat (collar) in the rams.
withers not prominant , deep chest.
Straight ( level ) topline from the withers to the base of the tail.
slender, of medium length, well proportioned, good pasterns. Hooves, dark for the black and browns, light for the whites.
Maximum height for an adult Ram 49 cms
Maximum height for an adult Ewe 46cms
Addenum 29th October 2005. An optimum range has been determined particularly for competition, that corresponds to the ideal size looked for in selection. This range represents a division for obtaining a prize at the time of judging. The jury can decide to award a placement even if the subject is outside of the optimum range if, in their estimation, the qualities of the subject shown merits it and as long as they are within the norms for the standard.
Table for the optimum ranges.
Adult Ram 42 cm 48 cm
Yearling 40 cm 46 cm
Adult Ewe 40 cm 45 cm
Yearling 38 cm 44 cm
All uniform colours are accepted, black, noire brunissante, brown, white, a base of rust where there is a light touch of rust appearing on the fleece, appearing mostly on the head, feet or base of the tail is acceptable in whites.
The Ouessant Sheep originates from the island of Ouessant, part of a tiny archipelago just off the north coast of Finistere, Brittany. The island of terror as it was known to some, was swept by the full force of the atlantic’s weather, the hardy sheep adapted to survive on poor grazing from salty clifftop meadows. It was the women of the island that raised the sheep, renowned for their black wool to weave into cloth known locally as berlinge and their meat with its sweet and delicate taste.
La race "Mouton d'Ouessant" est originaire de l’île d’’Ouessant qui fait parti d’un petit archipel au large du Finistère, Bretagne. L’île de l'épouvante comme c'était connu par certains était balayé par les intempéries de l’atlantique, ces moutons rustiques s'adaptaient à survivre sur les pâturages pauvres des falaises salées. C’était les femmes de l’île qui élevaient les moutons réputés pour leur laine noire à tisser « la berlinge » une étoffe régionale et leur viande avec un goût doux et délicat.